
Showing posts from December, 2019

Churches and Money

I've been thinking a bit about the news that came out about the Church and investments that came out in the past couple days. I don't have a definitive idea of where I stand but I have some disparate thoughts that I wonder if others are feeling. And this is my unfiltered view on the subject. They are not reflective of the church itself, or anyone else. I just wanted to own this and make that clear. One, to me and in my belief, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the most true church. That's all. It's the best and most direct link to salvation, but it's still a church, it's still administered by men, and we don't always get things right. That's nothing shocking personally. Especially when we compare it to the biblical record, Adam was rebuked, Moses, Saul, David, Jonah, the twelve Apostles at large, Peter alone, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and several others. Prophets needed correction, the Lord's called and  anointed. If we truly believe in...

It’s snowing

There is something about the quiet of fresh snow. The literal dampening effect that those thousands, millions, crystals of frozen water has is beyond compare. A dark night, no traffic, with some fresh snow, it's one of my favorite settings. I've always enjoyed the night. Felt more alive, more connected, more me. Winter seems to make it more so. Summer nights are just a continuation of what came before, never-ending. A night in winter, it's emphatic, it's an ending, a definitive punctuation.  Looking out the window at the current snow fall, it's made the night go faster. It's beautiful. Yet it still leaves the right touch of the melancholic.  It's time like these in the middle of December where I find myself running one of my two favorite Christmas songs in my head. That gem from Meet Me in St.Louis, with the line I love,  "Someday soon we all will be together If the fates allow Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow So have yourself a merry...