
Showing posts from March, 2021


 Now I've been in a place where I've been doing a lot of reflecting and thinking. This page of digital text is the result of that. It's a stream of consciousness that began and was deleted four times before I decided to really let things rip.  I know that not everyone has the perfect family. Or feels comfortable addressing there's in any fashion. But it's all I could think about lately.  The complexity of parent-child relationships, of sibling relationships can never be understated. Families are complicated. They're tricky. They're almost universally flawed. Yet they're what ground us. They're home. But they change. They're eventually replaced on the scale of importance.  It's interesting how consuming our families are as children. A mother starts as a baby's entire world and it only grows from there. A toddler's world is filled with familiar faces. And at that age we don't realize it. It's strange that I never realized the mo...