
Showing posts from May, 2021


"Pain is the patient's problem." I can't tell you how many times that mantra has passed through my brain over the years. Whether it was gaining IV access, inserting a silver bullet for a temp in some poor soul, palpating, or even splinting, treatment hurts.  That's one thing they don't tell you. Pain is necessary for healing. Whether its a surgery. Where you need to literally cut into a patient then cutaway what's harming you. Pierce tissue to stitch things back together. If you slip a joint out of socket and dislocate it, you have to reduce it. Trust me that hurts. Intubation can be traumatic. Resetting broken limbs. Heck just a blood draw or a simple shot, that's a needle piercing skin and possible veins.  It all takes pain. It's uncomfortable. That's what healing takes. The price that's required.  To facilitate those actions, medical personnel often have to cause pain. We have to make people hurt to heal them, or to reduce harm. That...