It's in my blood

The line between your physical and your mental health can be quite fuzzy at times. And people attempting to quantify how much of each effects the other and vice versa usually miss the point in my opinion. I can think of times where subjective symptoms made me question whether they were real or not. Pain, nausea, weakness, fatigue, vertigo. You can’t see it. You can’t truly demonstrate that it’s happening. And if people don’t believe you it can be hard to deal with. You can truly question your experience. That’s been me lately. I had been more exhausted than I have ever been. I chalked it up to burning the candle at all ends. It was 2020. It was a busy time. It still is in 2021. So I kept pushing on. And more symptoms started happening. First my migraines kept increasing in frequency and intensity. On top of the fatigue it was too much. I started missing work. And I'm still struggling. I wound up in an urgent care telling a Doc I work with that I felt like I had c...