I'm grateful

It was a dark few days leading into Thanksgiving. Lost an NCO I admired to his demons. A high profile shooting targeting a wider demographic I identify as a part of. Weather got cold, wicked icy. Yet I'm content to look past that on what I'm thankful for. A lot. I have a new job I love. I'm doing good. I'm learning a lot. And the opportunities are only growing. Working with a demographic I care about. It's a blessing. And I have an office. With a window. Might not be the greatest view. But it's light, it's snow. I need it. Music releases lately have been amazing, inspiring, and pushing me. I have a way to carry me again. There is a chance to federally codify LGBT+ marriage rights. Need I say more. Oh wait. The Church supports the legislation to codify gay marriage. My heart is beyond full I'm getting more answers on my health and easier access to appointments. It's just going to take more time. More work. I have a few close friends who are hap...