
I'm writing this while I sit at 3,999 views on this blog. That seems insane. I'll be crossing 4,000 when I post this. The fact people actually read anything I write is astounding to me. Especially at the volume that's occurred over the last couple years. I think the only thing I can say is thank you. Thank you all. And I'm going to post a few links to those posts I'm proud of that got a bit overlooked. Once again. Thank you all. https://wittcase.blogspot.com/2021/08/how-hard-it-is-for-those-who-love-us.html https://wittcase.blogspot.com/2022/07/opinions-can-be-reason.html https://wittcase.blogspot.com/2022/07/experience.html https://wittcase.blogspot.com/2022/04/loving-unabashedly.html https://wittcase.blogspot.com/2022/04/its-way-my-mind-works.html https://wittcase.blogspot.com/2022/03/how-much-is-me-how-much-is-insert.html https://wittcase.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-mind-mouth-and-pen.html