My epiphany: I need to judge less
This may be the last religious post in a little while, maybe not. We'll see. I've had some reflecting myself to do with this one. Big time. But that's a good thing I think. The hardest thing to judge is someone's spirituality or religiosity. There are some observable factors of devotion can be apparent from the outside but the majority of worship is too innately personal to be visible. I think the more sacred something is to a person, the more private it becomes. I've had to really take this to heart. For two main reasons, one, I've had a couple epiphanies. Two, I'm in need of real change. The first epiphany I had is that differences in practice and doctrine do not mean a lack of devotion. The second is that change can be too subtle measure. I think doctrinal differences can be a source of admiration, envy, and conflict. I'll admit that this is one place where I fall short. It's a source of friction and misunderstanding that leads to judgemen...