5 Hesitations

Falls coming. Leaves are changing. And maybe I am too. So it was General Conference weekend. That biannual (semi-annual?) time of year. The leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints addresses the body of the church. Given some of my current struggles and misgivings it may seem strange to some that I watched all of it. Pen in hand. A notebook open; my old journal that's been beat down. A lot of furious ink and scratching. My increasingly difficult handwriting becoming increasingly indecipherable. But I did find some clarity. I still have some misgivings. I'm still searching, striving for answers. But I got some clarity. My faith. My spirituality. My relationship with divinity. It's foundationally there. Stronger than ever. I'm done focusing on the little minutia. I'm looking at big picture, larger challenges I'm having. Fundamental, "me and God" stuff. Five things. Hesitations. I'll elaborate. But here they are. 1. Submission a...