Praying is different than it used to be for me

I’m not one to tell someone when to pray, who to pray to, what to pray for, or why to pray. It’s such a personal spiritual experience. One I’ve been reflecting on more and more. I believe that prayer is deeply meditative experience first and foremost. I used to think it was more communicative than I do now. It’s more deeply reflective for me than it used to be for me. Prayer is meant to bring our will in alignment with God. That’s what I was taught from a fairly young age. But I spent so much of my time thinking I could sue for aid, implore God to give me the desires I was working so hard for. But that’s not the way it works for me anymore. I struggle to share gratitude in prayer. I do. I probably always will. But now I struggle to ask for things too. And for both of those things I think it’s okay. I’m speaking a lot less than I used to and listening a lot more. That’s the meditative side of it. Conversations have gotten more raw. More real. I had a church leader I lov...