Equality and Opportunity
I believe in the audacity of equality. By that I mean equality of opportunity. That's an American ideal if there ever was one. And it's never been truly achieved. It's still an aspiration. I don't say that to be pessimistic. But I mean that in a real sense. Equality for all has not truly been achieved in the USA, but we're constantly progressing toward it. Often times, most times, we've led the charge. That doesn't mean we don't have problems to solve. That we've overcome injustice yet. But we're working on it, more than some want to admit. Sometimes in that progression we need to address where the gaps in opportunity are, and any other real injustices. Given the conversation about race, I believe it's a time to have a discussion on the topic. I don’t buy wholeheartedly into critical race theory and intersectionality. I believe personal accountability is important. Vital even. I can hold both of these ideas in my head when I examine race. I ...