What Makes a Song Good?

What makes a song enlightening or uplifting? What makes music "good or appropriate"? Especially between a division between secular and spiritual music? For worship? These are questions I've muddled over and over in my head for a lifetime. Music has always had a hold on me. It's always been a help to me. Truly I think I often undersell how much I use music for emotional processing, intellectual development, contemplation, connection, and yes worship. --- I remember sitting in a youth meeting. The conversation was about music. It was an attempt to define what was good, better, and best in music. And was bad music. It wasn't an artistic or technical critique. It was a moral one. The discussion started about lyrical content. I think that was a natural progression. Curse words are bad. Sensual or sexual lyrics are bad. That the was the top of the docket for conversation. I get the reasoning behind it. Don't agree with it as much as I did as a teenager. But I get...