I’m coming all the way out

 So I’ve written about this on this blog a little bit. But I feel it’s time to be a little more declarative.

I’m bi. As in bisexual. And with what is going on in the world I don’t feel like I can hide it my place of privilege anymore. 

See I’m married to one of the smartest, kindest, beautiful women in my world.

People see me with this beautiful creature and would assume my living experience is entirely heteronormative. A straight marriage.

I have the privilege of four natural born children. I got to have them with the love of my life. Because of that. Assumptions are made. 

I had the honor and privilege to serve as a soldier in the army. That alone brings assumptions.

Then there are the assumptions that come from the faith I bear. 


I’ve had the ability to hide. And I don’t feel like I can anymore.

There’s a lot happening I don’t feel like getting into on the macro level. But I need to on the micro.


I’ve slowly came out. I posted in my blog. I’ve told people I’ve trusted. But now I feel I can be a little more public. And I need to. And here’s why.

The idea that being attracted to the same sex is somehow equated to pedophilia. Or that it’s a step that way.

All the times I was called gay in middle school, high school, or college etc. Every time I unequivocally denied it. Because I was afraid that if people knew how I really felt, they’d hate me.

The disappointment and fear I see in fellow parents’ eyes as they talk about how scared they are to have a child be a member of the LGBTQ+ community. And I said nothing. 


I can’t be silent anymore. I’m not just an ally. I’m part of the team. And I don’t want the shame of hiding in plain sight. I want to be known for all of who I am. 


So I’m out. I’m bi. I’m happily married. I’m a father. I’m a nerd. I’m a veteran. I’m a friend. And I’m me. 


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