Where does our time and effort do the most good?

 We are all children of God full of inherent goodness. All human rights need protection for that reason. But not all rights and humans have need of aid right now.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how I prioritize my time and effort. Who do I spend my time on. First and foremost is my family and loved ones. They fill my cup, I fill there’s, it’s the inner circle. And it takes the majority of my time. So how do I spend the rest of my limited resources?

I’ve actually had to prioritize lately so I got very analytical about this. And I came up with a list that I’ve been using. An algorithm if you will. 

It’s four questions and I’m going to list them in the level of precedence I think.

Who’s dying more often than they should?

Who faces harm from both the governing bodies and society at large?

Who faces official discrimination or disparity?

Where are there inordinate disparities of outcomes in society?

It take these four and run them through one more simple question. Given my limited sphere of influence who can I help? And here’s some of the things I’ve found myself working with.

I work largely with the veteran community. I have personal history and connection than enables me to help a demographic facing inordinate amounts of suicide, addiction, mental health issues, and physical outcomes. I work in the system to do what I can as a Peer Counselor. I am constantly getting training to be better equipped to help. I also donate to platforms and amplify groups I feel are either making a difference or need more help. Deported veterans are especially vulnerable and come to mind.

I recently got trained to work as a crisis line operator and victim advocate for victims of sexual assault. It’s a needed avenue of care in my community and I’m honored to be able to aid some in their darkest moments.

Those are the two most tangible efforts I have. And yes one is my occupation. But it’s deeper than just that. 

There are other causes I care about. I do what I can to participate in LGBTQIA issues at work. I’ve even represented the local VA at events like Pride. 

I stand up and share where we can demonstrate disparities of outcomes and actual discrimination because knowledge is power and that’s how we lead to change. 

I care deeply about a lot of issues. I feel compelled to do something. But I can only do so much. I think most people are the same way.

I think that’s why I spent a bit of journaling time prioritizing and figuring out how best to spend my time. My family, my self care, my career, and elsewhere.

I know many think I’m a misguided bleeding heart. Or I don’t have the proper prioritizations. But I looked at where the most harm is being done and where I can do the most good. I think balancing those two phenomena in my life is one of the greatest ways I’ve found peace. I would encourage everyone to do the same.


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