Can we have unity?


Democracy isn’t efficient and requires a contrast of division and unity. And at a time like this. It’s not going to be easy to find the balance.

I am struggling to find unity and even hope at times when there are individuals of our nation that still don't have the same rights and standing as others in society. That means legislatively, socially, and physically. 

The irony is that some classes of people and individuals are being granted additional standing and privileges, at least legally. 

That all just exacerbates the conflict.

The events of this weekend cast a further pall over that. 

So I'm struggling to see how I can push forward. Lowering temperatures. Being honest. And sharing experiences. 

I know some people don't feel the same levels of urgency and anxiety over the current political climate that I do. And that's ok. I hope posts of this nature don't alienate you from existing in my presence over things you agree with. 

For the next few months I'm really looking back into how LGBTQ issues till effect us. The ramifications of recent legal decisions and policies effect women's rights. I'm looking at immigration. I can't ignore our continuing grappling with race. The stigmatization of people suffering with mental health concerns and those ramifications. Finally (but not last) also just what the separation of church and state is, how it factors and how it matters. 

For some people the economics of the time are most important. Other people prioritize specific rights and privileges they use most often or hold most dear. 

Balancing all of these concerns is hard. And we are a dry tinderbox of western forest in August. I don't know what will change it. 

I'm just going to continue to be honest. But a little more measured. A little more careful. Hopefully we all do. 


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