
I hate not breathing. I really really do. It's one of the worst feelings that there is. Your body tells you, informs you how vital the function that's missing is.

I've had a few different times in my life 

I hate wildfire season. Living in a valley prone to inversions has been interesting. It's resulted in that difficulty breathing more than once. This year is starting to shape up dangerously.

The debate surrounding these fires seems to be that it's either a result of global climate change or poor forestry practices. After this year's record heat wave I would proffer that two things can be true at once. And I would also proffer that they can exacerbate each other. This not an easy dichotomy. This is a problem with multiple variables that we need to take into account. 

The truth is that the earth does appear to be warming.

The truth is that we don’t deal with underbrush and forest management like we used to.

The truth is that because both of these are true, it’s even more important that we focus on both simultaneously.

I know that hot button topics like these often leave people scared. That leads to anger. Heightened emotions negatively impact the dialogue. We can and should change that. Regardless of political affiliation or socioeconomic status everyone out west should be invested in attacking this growing problem. Our air, our water, the rest of our environment is all of our responsibility.


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