This blog is about to get a lot more use. I've got a lot of drafts I've been working on. So I'm going to start coalescing some of my ideas from scattered thoughts to a defined idea. And then share them with the world. One to two posts a week. Some of it may be spiritual. Some may be policy based. But all are going to be me sharing my ideas.
I spoke in church this Sunday.
I spoke in church today. About feeling the spirit and the hand of God in our lives. I included below links the source talk I was asked to reference and to a performance the hymn I quoted. It’s a pretty Sunday. Here’s my talk. Good morning, my name is Witter Case and I was asked to speak about experiencing the spirit and hand of God in our lives. I'll be using Elder Bednar's most recent conference talk. This was a subject I found I could use some reflection upon. I think that is part of why this portion of Elder Bednar’s recent talk really spoke to me. “I asked our guests if they had any observations they wanted to share. One of the journalists said with great emotion, “I have never experienced anything like that in my entire life. I did not know quiet like that existed in the world; I simply did not believe such stillness was possible.” I was struck by both the sincerity and the starkness of this person’s statement. And the journalist’s reaction highlighted one impo...
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