I didn't realize who was struggling
Don't wait to get to fully suicidal to call a hotline, to reach out to a friend, to attempt to get help. Please. I know this is something I dwell on a lot. It's something I've written about a few times and will continue to write about. Continue to talk about. For a few reasons. One, male suicide, veteran suicide are going to continue to rise. That isn't changing. The second reason is a two parter, one I know so many people dealing with these same issues, and one person told me to keep working on it. I see people struggling. I hear their stories. I see them. I don't know if that resonates with everyone. I want to make a difference. I have limited time and resources. So maybe this is something I can do to make a difference. I see people I know struggling. Daily. Truly. Whether it was PTSD, an adjustment disorder, depression, or good old fashioned anxiety. There are struggles. Most I had no idea were happening. There are guys who've attempted suicide recent...