Power comes from doing right

It’s becoming increasingly clear that our president has done things that are morally and ethically wrong and the realities of that are becoming rapidly inescapable. We’re all going to have to face it.

To those who think his actions are admirable, should be celebrated and continued as a new normal, shame on you. To those holding onto specific policy increasingly out of fear of the opposing party, let’s talk, what do you need from your government? To those ethically and morally opposed to these actions, keep the honest critical mentality. To those only opposed to his actions because he wears a different political party, shame on you for being part of the problem.

A figure I truly admire spoken up today. In a rather scathing analysis of the president. Making it clear that current actions that have occurred in the middle east and specifically Syria will have lasting ramifications. That our power comes not just from our technical might but from something else entirely.

“We are the most powerful nation in the world because we try to be the good guys. We are the most powerful nation in the world because our ideals of universal freedom and equality have been backed up by our belief that we were champions of justice, the protectors of the less fortunate.”

Admiral William H. McRaven

We have good people. Most of us are very good people. Our leadership may not always drive us straight and true but I truly believe if we have good people willing to do the hard things, we’ll be ok. I mean that. That's our real power.

People on both sides of the aisle are good, are motivated to do right. I truly believe that, even if it makes me a minority. I think the inherent goodness of the American people is currently underrated and undervalued. I know many that are pessimistic about the future of American politics and even our society in general. I'm not. Regardless of what wrongdoing may come from leadership, we have our own individual responsibility. We can be the good guys. We have that ability. That is what makes me less scared or worried of the future. For a few reasons.

First because our government representation is transient by design. We have regular elections where we can make change. Nothing is ever set in stone. Even the founding document and foundation of all of our laws and legal system is amendable by design. That is a wonderful thing. We also have access to our representation, we have access to documents (that can be improved), we have ways to influence change. Change beyond our government.

It's often said the smaller the sphere the greater the influence. I think we underestimate how much influence we can truly wield in each others lives, for both good and ill. When I think back on kind deeds in my life and think about the good that has been done to me, it comes from so many places. We forget that sometimes. Opposing views, opposing beliefs do not make us enemies in our nation. It just makes us participants. Wonderful wonderful participants. When people fret about the direction we're going I think about the person who let me out of the parking lot yesterday, the charities active in our communities, the people still volunteering to serve, the helping push when a car breaks down, the wonder that a community both large and small can bring.

I hope we realize our greatest power comes from goodness. Our attempts to be right. If we realized most people had the same vision, maybe we would see that there is hope. Maybe we could focus on increasing that hope, that drive, that desire to do right and all that brings us.
There will always be those who do wrong. Even in positions of authority. But we can be so much better than that. The best part is, most of the people I know already are.


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