I didn't realize who was struggling

Don't wait to get to fully suicidal to call a hotline, to reach out to a friend, to attempt to get help. Please.

I know this is something I dwell on a lot. It's something I've written about a few times and will continue to write about. Continue to talk about. For a few reasons. One, male suicide, veteran suicide are going to continue to rise. That isn't changing. The second reason is a two parter, one I know so many people dealing with these same issues, and one person told me to keep working on it.

I see people struggling. I hear their stories. I see them. I don't know if that resonates with everyone. I want to make a difference. I have limited time and resources. So maybe this is something I can do to make a difference.

I see people I know struggling. Daily. Truly. Whether it was PTSD, an adjustment disorder, depression, or good old fashioned anxiety. There are struggles. Most I had no idea were happening.

There are guys who've attempted suicide recently, who went through separations or divorce, people who lost jobs, faced injury, or any other measure of a trial. I had no idea. I had no idea who else was struggling. Who else was like me.

I've said before that my life is pretty darn good. But I still have moments. Times when I can't make things straight in my own head. Times where I'm so wrapped up in the panic, the anxiety, the dark that I can't see out. There's an inherent lack of awareness that can accompany a bout or struggle with mental illness. It's not selfishness per se. It's different. And I've been so wrapped up in my own fight that I forgot that others are going through the same or worse.

I need to keep that in mind.

We are better when we look out for each other. That's the simple truth this week taught me. There are some people who know what you're going through and you probably don't know who you are. A few moments these past couple weeks have exposed me to people who could've helped me if I had been paying attention. People who could've been helped by me. That was a wake-up call. I know these people. Some I've let relationships fall to the wayside a bit. Others are just developing. Regardless it's hit me like a ton of bricks. I need to be more open about what I'm going through. And by absolute extension be listening to when others are opening up. It's what needs to happen more. Especially as a man in today's atmosphere. It is what can make all the difference.  I've had some moments where I've been more transparent and the response has been incredible. It's helped me. Maybe just maybe that help is reciprocal.

Life isn't going to get easier for everybody. That's the hard facts of this life. If anything can make it a little easier we need to reach out. The sooner the better. Every time. Maybe just maybe we can make getting help just a little bit normal. Make reaching out lack the stigma it has had.


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