Linchpin Issue

I've been frustrated. I've been reading a lot, and I could post a lot of articles but I'm not going to. I'm going to have a frank discussion and bypass something I've been working on for two weeks for a few minutes and write something from the heart.

I'm worried that my sincere desires and actual wishes are sometimes misconstrued and lost in the cyberspace deluge of loud voices and soundbites we call social media. I feel the need to express a couple things here.

One, how lost I feel in this increasingly partisan political climate. Especially as someone who wants to be involved in policy and wants to genuinely make changes to society.

Two, what my policy goals on a very controversial position is.

Those are on my mind and I'm getting it out real quick.

So the first point. As some feel lost and caught in between two diametrically opposed political parties. Each with blatant flaws, and focused in on linchpin issues seemingly designed to divide us and grab single issue voters. These lockstep ideals and policies leave me feeling out of place and isolated. I can't pick a side wholesale. I have nuanced ideas that are compromises. Because of that I'm increasingly alienated. There is a single specific issue that seems to overwhelm or determine absolute support for one party. And I don't identify with it.

This is my struggle, I want to reduce abortions. I hate abortion on demand, but feel the need to protect abortions in specific cases. I think the best way to eliminate abortion is through reduction of pregnancies at large. That requires contraception, full sex education. Then we also need to support pregnancies and after. Prenatal and maternity care, adoption support (for those giving and receiving a child), family support, food stamps, etc. It's a holistic process. And the goal should be reducing abortions. Why can't we unite on that.

I do not see my self as pro choice, per se. But I want absolute support for things the pro life moving is absolutely opposed to. So where do I belong who I support.

Data tells me one thing, my personal morals another, faith even more. SO where those intersect I feel the need to support. I can't be against planned parenthood at large, it provides contraception and gynecological care. I can't support abortion only education, it's not pragmatic. I can't

I have more but this that comes to mind, but this is the most problematic. It's the issue that drives the need to throw away or place secondary significance of other christian values. It drives support of candidates that otherwise have a lack of christian charity and values. It causes people to leave faith. It's a definitive problem.

I don't have a solid solution. But I'm cynical about how true this stance is for several politicians, and I'm afraid it's used to catch single issue voters, and virtue signal more than bring about real sustainable change.

I want to see change. We have a lower abortion rate than before Roe V Wade, and we can continue to decrease abortion, decrease pregnancy, decreased STIs, and improve public health, and family lives. But we can't do it continuously opposed. We need cooperation. Pragmatic compromise and a real measurable goal.

I hope to somehow spearhead compromise on this issue, and others. Immigration, budgets, civil rights, religious liberty and practice, all come to mind. I have a lot of ideas but no real path to bring them about. So I'm going shout my desire to start it from a mountain top (or the cyber webs more really) first. The find a path to make it happen. I hope others agree with me.


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