Politics Don’t Belong In Church Services

Politics don’t belong in church services.

I mean that plain and simple. Differences in policy abound in my faith. More than people realize. I’m finding myself realizing more and more how secular differences have driven people from church. Have caused people to question their faith over secular decisions.

So let me say it again one more time.

Politics don’t belong in church services.

Now I’ll admit that being home for church during this quarantine has been oddly peaceful. Because I don’t feel like Sunday school is going to degrade in a political discussion. One where one type of politics is righteous and the other is evil. 

See I truly believe secular politics can’t be defined as evil as a whole. That there are good people on each side of the political spectrum holding down the line and checking the other side.

Many people assume that due to the church’s stance on abortion, families, personal responsibility etc lead us all to be conservative. 

That’s true to a point. But the church’s official stances on abortion, homosexuality are nuanced. The policies they’ve supported for homosexuality and basic human liberties may lean someone to the left. Especially when paired with the work with the NAACP, support for refugees, opposition to mass deportation, and statements on environmental stewardship.

The point I’m trying to make is neither party truly espouses the gospel of Christ. Both arguably have aspects.

For that reason I’m writing this little blog post.

 I would beg people to not vilify a political party or it’s followers in a church settings. Especially over the pulpit or in a lesson. 

Second I would beg people to listen to why people deviated from what you think is the proper political affiliation.

We all have a broad spectrum of experience. Much of which is not readily apparent. Remember that as these volatile times continue. They aren’t going to get easier for awhile. There is going to be an election happening in the middle of it.

Let’s not make the assumption that someone is lacking faith for a difference in secular political views. Let’s try to understand why someone who shares the same spiritual foundation as us prioritizes different values and policies than you.

If we’re to be unified let’s remember we’re children of God first. Citizens of our respective countries second. Then divided further. But always Children of God first.

I have come to the conclusions I have through study and prayer. I give everyone the same benefit of the doubt.  Let’s focus on common ground and following the gospel first.


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