It's the way my mind works.

 I don't always get the joke. I have to work through to the punchline. I get it last. But I'm supposed to be smart. I keep hearing that. I'm so freaking smart. But I don't always get the joke.

I used to think it was naivety. But looking back it was something more.

There's a reason I have to play with my hair. Why I'm constantly running my fingers through it. Because I can't bite my nails like I used to. Or sing to myself. Talk to my self. I'm too old. But I feel compelled to do something. It's the way my mind works. It's the crutch that's soothing. I have to be honest about that. Look back at how often I've used physical stimuli to focus on what's happening in the here and now, or keep my emotions in check.

I'm trying to focus in on how I tick. See what are prominent trends and do something about it. Use it, change behavior, change performance. I can't live on "being smart but unmotivated" forever. I need to reconcile my confidence in my intelligence with the fact that I have so much work to do.

I hate the way my voice sounds recorded. I don't hear my volume or tone day to day. I can't believe how it sounds when I hear it. It makes me wonder what else I;m missing day to day.

Hints are my worst enemy for the same reason. I miss pieces that I'm supposed to just see, understand, and then know. But that's not how my brain operates.

I question everything I know. Until I know it. Not just in interactions, but in everything.

See I know when I know something, there's a surety to it. Now that may come across as the height of pride and arrogance. But it's not. It's rooted in a weird form of humility and uncertainty. There is a large gulf, and intensity that takes hold between not knowing and knowing for me. I have to know the big picture then I dive into the minutia. I have to research all the angles, all the details, and distill it down. If I can't find and determine the answer then I don't know. I mean that sincerely. I am devil's advocate almost as much as I'm the subject matter expert. I exist so often in the grey because I'm finding the answers. That's why I feel a surety when I finally know something. I know the answer. I know where to find it. If needed I could very quickly access it. 

I don't know what all of this means. But over the past year or so I've delved deeply into my mental health. My behavior, my cognition, all of it. I have a lot of work to do still. But I need to be present. I need to be honest. Then I can evaluate who I am. Something I never thought would be this hard to do.


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