I go to church for sacrament.

 I go to church most Sundays for the sacrament. And lately that’s been the primary reason.

I wish I could say there was a deeper connection. I wish I could say there was more I got out of it. I wish I could say I enjoyed the auxiliary meetings. I mean some Sundays I wish I could say I enjoyed the talks or testimonies.

I’m not saying this to be harsh. It’s just where I am at spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically.

I love my savior. I love Jesus Christ; his mission, his commission, teachings, and atonement. Following him makes me a better person. Following him makes living this life possible.

But I can’t say I feel comfortable in the culture of the church. I can’t say I don’t struggle with where I fit. With who I am in the body of church.

Let alone with the feeling of depression I’ve had this winter. Let alone with the physical struggles I’ve been working through. 

It’s a lot. And I only have so much to give. 

So I go. I take the sacrament. I reflect on Christ and what he asks of me. I focus on the repentance process in my life. I look at how I can and will do better.

Rinse and repeat next week.

That’s where I’m at right now.

And that’s ok. 

So I wrote in a journal. On a blog. And hope it lets someone else feel less alone. It’s ok to go for the sacrament alone. 


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