Split Loyalties

Many times in history we have had people called out for having dual loyalties between their religion and their government. That one's patriotism is tainted by their faith. In our own history we have the Quakers, Catholics, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, all called out at various times and circumstances. Our nation is based on partially on the puritans and their troubles with the British government. Throughout history and in various countries Jewish people were scapegoated and their loyalties called into question. And in the modern era Muslim citizens of multiple nations face bigotry and prejudices over it. 

The animus that arises between religions and governments in not new. Sadly it hasn't changed in time. 
If anything it’s gotten worse. 

Now we’ve added something new and gotten to the point where not only can your patriotism be questioned by your religious affiliation, your religiosity can be absolutely questioned by your political affiliation. It is absolutely insane.

A healthy political party would have a broad enough tent to allow members of various religious and cultural backgrounds.

A healthy church would be focused enough on pure doctrine and loving fellowship to welcome members of all political factions.

The church is unhealthy. Politics are unhealthy. We need to have various connections, loyalties, bonds in our lives. The coalescence and simultaneous isolation of the current American spectrum is dangerous.

I’m truly fearful of the next political cycle and election process.

Instead of focusing on solutions we’re watching a focus on preserving political/societal power and influence. We’re seeing danger.

Diff needed shouldn’t be feared but celebrated. The unique outlooks of various cultural and religious backgrounds can provide the differing solutions to our problems. Various political affiliations find differing problems needing those solutions. 

We were never meant to be a nation of assimilation and absolute compliance. We need to celebrate our various minorities, the various tribes we belong too. That’s how we love forward. That’s how we make a difference. 

I’m happy I attended a school with vastly demographics than my church. I’m happy I’ve been able to live in various places in our nation. I’ve seen how we have so many differences can be a boon. How very differently we all love our lives. Let’s look at our cities and our homes and embrace ANYONE looking to help. Stop gatekeeping. Stop questioning motives. We’ll all do so much better. 


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