You get one body, enjoy it!

I got the bad luck of the draw when it comes to genetics and my liver. Hemochromatosis, that hit my liver hard. Night shift, bad diet, meds, and I added a bunch of fat to my liver. Those two things equaled cirrhosis.

I've never drank and there is permanent scarring in my liver. That sucks. 

There's one thing that can help my organs right. Cut weight. 

I was/am heavier than most people realize. I'm carrying a lot of belly fat. And I hate.

Worse than the health factors of this situation are how I see myself. 

There are a lot of things I really dislike about my body. At times I've hated parts. I still do.

I have to own that. Because it's a motivating factor of my current ramp up of physical activity. I have a desire to change my body the best I can. Not just for what's happening inside of it. But how it looks on the outside, and how limited I am in doing activities I used to take for granted.

I hate my chest, having a tire around my belly.
I hate how winded I get. I hate how I can't do pushups right, or do a pull up at all.

That's changing. For me. For my kids. I want to be happy in my skin. I want to do activities with them, my wife, my friends. And I want to be around awhile.

So I'm working out a lot. 
Lunches at a work are good for a 1.5-2 miles of walking. Mornings start at the gym. Calisthenics are on rotation.

But that's half the picture. I'm in the kitchen too. Right now, I'm just cutting calories and sticking to a diet that helps me bleed iron for hemochromatosis. And I'm chugging water. I've cut some sugar. I've increased some protein. I've added greens. It's coming.

All together it's the start of a ramp up. A hard one. One with benchmarks I'm setting for myself. Really aggressive goals. 

I only get one body. I want to enjoy it. Not resent it.

Time to put it to work. 


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