Do we believe in the Atonement?

 For those of us who are avowed Christians. For those of us who believe that Christ is the savior and redeemer of us and of our sins, do we believe that?

Now I ask this seemingly loaded question for a reason. It’s been my experience that purity has a hierarchy in the culture of the church. Someone who hasn’t made a sin is somehow more worthy than the person who has used the atonement of Christ to cleanse themselves of their sins. And that is bothering me.

It bothers me because all of us are guilty of sins. None of us are clean and white as snow or as our savior. We all treat people wrongly. We are angry, we have lustful thoughts. 

It bothers me because purity often seems to be a double standard in regards to women. We allow more grace for men who fall. We look for reasons for the fall. We hold women’s modesty responsible for men's actions, or at the very least a significant factor. I don’t see an equal paradigm for men in regards to women.

Most importantly this others me because it eliminates the grace and power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  We either believe that he can wash us clean of our sins or we don’t. And if we believe he can wash our past sins clean then his grace is sufficient enough for others. 

Now the problem with all of the above is forgiveness. We can debate consequences. We can debate righteous judgement. But really they are all stakeholders for our ability or inability to forgive those around us.

I wish I could sugarcoat. I wish I could soften the blow but I can’t. Partially because this has been a struggle for me as well. 

See I grew up thinking about purity in an unhealthy way. I grew up and still struggle with finding the faith to forgive those who wronged me and others. The irony being that as I've gotten older I've only needed the Atonement more.

I don't know about you but I am more broken and saved than I used to be. 

I am hurting, I'm a sinner, I stumble metaphorically and literally daily. If I need the Atonement in my life, then I need to use it. And if I hope for both salvation and forgiveness, I need to believe in it and extend it to others. There's no other options. 

If we believe in the wondrous power of Christ to save and to succor us. Then we have to treat each other better. Myself included.

If someone professes to be saved, and demonstrates their faith that should be good enough for us to not question their faith or worthiness. The past isn’t meant to be a weapon to wield against them anymore. Just as I hope mine isn’t a weapon to be used against me.

I have faith in Christ. It isn’t perfect. But it’s growing. I hope that as I go through my struggles I can understand it more. I hope to extend the grace I wish and hope will be extended to me.


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