Yes Timmy there are Pagan practices in Christmas

There are pagan aspects to Christmas celebrations. I think it’s about time that we recognize that and stop fighting about it. The winter solstice is December 20th. That night is the shortest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. It’s the summer solstice and the polar opposite in the southern. It has cultural and religious significance throughout the world. Historically the celebration of the birth of Christ was moved to this time of the year. And an amalgamation of pagan, folk, marketing, and Christian traditions have led to the celebrations we have today. It deeply influences them. To the point that some Christmas hymns have winter references. When historical records demonstrate it was the spring. That change has caused over time to have a hybridized holiday. The modern Christmas with a Christmas Eve Midnight Mass and program, then Santa leaving gifts in a stocking or under an evergreen tree. It's beautiful. But note. We wouldn’t have the holiday we have today...