People are messy. I am too.

 People are messy. People have always been messy.

A lot of historical figures we look to benefit us in one aspect of their lives and are tragically failing at the next. 

Artists that have inspired us often do not live up to their ideals or their work in their personal lives. 

People in our lives who love us, treat us well, may be the same who are rude, mean, and uncaring to others in our lives. 

And we as individuals are no different. 

I've been harsh at times with how I now view some of the art and literature that most informed and changed me. I look at simple failings of the creator and then cast out the emotions I felt and growth I had with it. At least I did for awhile. 

I can't do that anymore. 

I am looking back at what saved me, what helped me, and I'm turning into the skid. The threshold to throw it out of my life has increased and is still in flux. All I know at this time, is there I certain things I love that I'm spending more time with again. There are artists I'm looking past to exist in the art again. 

I know for some people they can't do that. I get it. I've got no shade about that. You have to do what you have to do. All I ask is you flip the script a little, give a little grace to how we view the art. 

Because. People are messy.

"The evil that men do lives long after them while the good is oft interred with their bones..."

"Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples - while judging ourselves by our best intentions."

I can't look at the positions I used to hold without regret. I can't think about actions I've taken in the past without a bit of haunting reflection. If that was what I was always and will always be known for; I'd just stop trying in life now. 

I think that's why certain art with flaws from really flawed people appeals to some of us. 

Starting next Thursday I'll be dedicating one day a week to something I love. That's super broad on purpose. But at times albums, books, pieces of art will be shared that come from flawed humans. And I'm going to be honest with both how I grapple with that knowledge and with what the art has done for me. 

Because I want to focus on what I can be. The best of the people. Their creation. Their intent. And my own. 

Cause that's how I hope I'll be remembered. Even with all these words I put on pages. 

Thanks guys. 


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